If the lender did not make the necessary checks before they gave you the loan, this could be irresponsible lending. Lenders are responsible for ensureing that people can afford the loan, and not struggle to make the loan payments. If you have found yourself in this situation, this is where we can help you.
Our mission is to highlight the irresponsibility and injustice of some services, in particular mis-sold loans and mortgages, and give people the chance to correct this unfairness. We are ‘not’ a claims management company but we work closely with our partners, who are CMCs, to help our customers receive loan refunds for a variety of mis-sold loans including:
- Provident & Greenwoods
- Morses Club
- Loans at home
- Mutual
- CLC Finance
- Compton Finance
- GR Finance
- Naylors Finance
- Pinewood Finance C0
- Short Term Finance (Birmingham)
- Skyline Direct
- Swift
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